I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong. I hold my Ph.D. in information studies from Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. I am also affilliated with the Web Mining Lab led by Prof. Jonathan Zhu at CityU, and a Co-PI of the Laboratory for AI-Powered Financial Technologies Limited.
My research converges at the intersection of information, communication, and technologies, echoing my education background, an intersection of arts and engineering. My research interests focus on the Social Media, Computational Social Sience, Health Informatics, and Human-Computer Interaction. Currently I am also an Associate Editor of Quality & Quantity, a Q1 journal in General Social Sciences (Scopus); and member of the Editorial Review Board of Internet Research, a high impact interdisciplinary journal looking at the social, ethical, economic and political implications of the internet. Email: [email protected] Google Scholar: Xiaohui "Vincent" Wang Selective Publications
Research Interests
Current research Projects
Editorial Review Board